
We are dependent on your support in order to be able to hold the Tharandt Talks!

As volunteer students, we want to guarantee that our events can continue to be offered free of charge to all participants. This year's careers fair should also meet the needs of our visitors. With delicious food, fresh drinks, interactive workshops and inspiring talks, we will transform our forestry campus into the venue for THARANDTER GESPRÄCHE for a whole day. With creative decorations, conference bags and other typical conference objects, we create something very special. These costs are not affordable for us volunteer students - which is why we are hoping for your support as a partner for forestry training and networking!

Of course, we also issue donation receipts for donations received. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

Verein Bildung und Leben in Tharandt e.V.
DE95 8509 0000 3275 7310 12
purpose of use: Spenden Tharandter Gespräche, Name/ Organisation

Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!